Thursday 31 August 2017

SIRACUSA - The Cathedral - Font Baptismal

SIRACUSA - The Cathedral- Font Baptismal

Anon publisher
In good condition; unused


“Greek vessel as a large baptism font”

The Cathedral of Syracuse is on the island of Ortigia, on the ruins of an ancient temple dedicated to Athena. In VII century it was transformed into a church by the bishop Zosimus, a church in the Byzantine style, dedicated to the Nativity of Mary. During the earthquake of 1728 it was largely destroyed before being rebuilt in Baroque style. Important chapels that are inside, like that of the Baptistery, which contains a baptismal font made with a marble vase from the Hellenistic period, and that of the Crucifix, which houses a painting depicting St. Zosimus the work of Antonello da Messina.

Sources: Trip Advisor dot com; Villa La Rosina dot it

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